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Together we build the future...
"Company began Mohammad Rouzi Contracting Co. Ltd. and we look forward to foresee the future and prospects together represent the aspiration for the better and durable so successful with strong management and clear objectives and the constant quest for the better. "


   Company Profile

That we build for the name of long history and prestige is the result of tremendous efforts in achieving high quality and outstanding performance, competitive pricing, speed of execution, which makes us always for your trust and complete your wishes.

It was established Rozi Mohammed for contracting and trade for more than forty years "ago, specifically in 1379 AH in Makkah, and one of the oldest institutions working in the construction sector, and the institution was classified in 1400 as contractors of buildings the fourth degree ...

And specialized mainly in the private sector works with some of the posts to government tenders, for a limited period in the building works and phone connections Saudi prefabricated buildings

Since the founding of the institution adopted a serious policy in dealing with customers, and keep abreast with the developments in terms of the use of the latest frontiers of the field of contracting materials and machines.

In addition to working to raise the level of employment to keep pace with modern technologies through intensive training courses to increase their ability to benefit first in the final image out of the projects implemented, and therefore customer satisfaction.

And to further the implementation of that policy was to be installed cadres of engineers, employment and professional institution which added to the stable nature, whether in action or of their agents, to become more than 40% of staff work to serve the institution more than fifteen years "and 80% of staff work over the period of service Ten years with the introduction of the change in the narrower borders either addition or change to a rate of not more than 20%.

For a more quality work had to be set up workshops for your organization and which has now reached the level of praise to God to be proud of in terms of organization and product quality, and the evolution of the work until he arrived to the departments specializing in aluminum, wood and (Alkrital) matched the highest levels of companies working in the same area that did not outperform them, and there is complete control over the time of project implementation.

The Foundation has close ties with many and distinct companies specialized support in the work of high quality aluminum and health equipment and ceramics…..

Also that the institution has the capacity to accommodate any volume of work in her field, using the sister institutions contribute to the establishment's owner or his family and working in this area and under the supervision and full responsibility of the architects of the institution in order to ensure the best level for the client.